PyBroom Example - Simple

This notebook is part of pybroom.

This notebook shows the simplest usage of pybroom when performing a curve fit of a single dataset. Possible applications are only hinted. For a more complex (and interesting!) example using multiple datasets see pybroom-example-multi-datasets.
In [1]:
import numpy as np
from numpy import sqrt, pi, exp, linspace
from lmfit import Model
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
%config InlineBackend.figure_format='retina'  # for hi-dpi displays
In [2]:
import lmfit
print('lmfit: %s' % lmfit.__version__)
lmfit: 0.9.7
In [3]:
import pybroom as br

Create Noisy Data

In [4]:
x = np.linspace(-10, 10, 101)
In [5]:
peak1 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p1_')
peak2 = lmfit.models.GaussianModel(prefix='p2_')
model = peak1 + peak2
In [6]:
params = model.make_params(p1_amplitude=1, p2_amplitude=1,
                           p1_sigma=1, p2_sigma=1)
In [7]:
y_data = model.eval(x=x, p1_center=-1, p2_center=2, p1_sigma=0.5, p2_sigma=1, p1_amplitude=1, p2_amplitude=2)
In [8]:
y_data += np.random.randn(*y_data.shape)/10
In [9]:
plt.plot(x, y_data)
[<matplotlib.lines.Line2D at 0x7f0a072b36d8>]

Model Fitting

In [10]:
params = model.make_params(p1_center=0, p2_center=3,
                           p1_sigma=0.5, p2_sigma=1,
                           p1_amplitude=1, p2_amplitude=2)
result =, x=x, params=params)

Fit result from an lmfit Model can be inspected with with fit_report or params.pretty_print():

In [11]:
    (Model(gaussian, prefix='p1_') + Model(gaussian, prefix='p2_'))
[[Fit Statistics]]
    # function evals   = 75
    # data points      = 101
    # variables        = 6
    chi-square         = 0.885
    reduced chi-square = 0.009
    Akaike info crit   = -466.467
    Bayesian info crit = -450.776
    p1_amplitude:   0.99193692 +/- 0.073905 (7.45%) (init= 1)
    p1_sigma:       0.50403814 +/- 0.043298 (8.59%) (init= 0.5)
    p1_center:     -0.93732080 +/- 0.042639 (4.55%) (init= 0)
    p2_amplitude:   1.80858848 +/- 0.098970 (5.47%) (init= 2)
    p2_sigma:       0.92432008 +/- 0.060121 (6.50%) (init= 1)
    p2_center:      2.04760247 +/- 0.057497 (2.81%) (init= 3)
    p1_fwhm:        1.18691910 +/- 0.101960 (8.59%)  == '2.3548200*p1_sigma'
    p1_height:      0.78511041 +/- 0.055989 (7.13%)  == '0.3989423*p1_amplitude/max(1.e-15, p1_sigma)'
    p2_fwhm:        2.17660743 +/- 0.141575 (6.50%)  == '2.3548200*p2_sigma'
    p2_height:      0.78059804 +/- 0.041815 (5.36%)  == '0.3989423*p2_amplitude/max(1.e-15, p2_sigma)'
[[Correlations]] (unreported correlations are <  0.100)
    C(p1_amplitude, p1_sigma)    =  0.613
    C(p2_amplitude, p2_sigma)    =  0.612
    C(p1_amplitude, p2_sigma)    = -0.263
    C(p1_sigma, p2_sigma)        = -0.251
    C(p1_center, p2_sigma)       = -0.210
    C(p1_amplitude, p2_amplitude)  = -0.194
    C(p1_sigma, p2_amplitude)    = -0.192
    C(p1_center, p2_amplitude)   = -0.154
    C(p1_sigma, p2_center)       =  0.148
    C(p1_amplitude, p2_center)   =  0.139
    C(p1_center, p2_center)      =  0.110

In [12]:
Name             Value      Min      Max   Stderr     Vary     Expr Brute_Step
p1_amplitude    0.9919     -inf      inf  0.07391     True     None     None
p1_center      -0.9373     -inf      inf  0.04264     True     None     None
p1_fwhm          1.187     -inf      inf    0.102    False 2.3548200*p1_sigma     None
p1_height       0.7851     -inf      inf  0.05599    False 0.3989423*p1_amplitude/max(1.e-15, p1_sigma)     None
p1_sigma         0.504        0      inf   0.0433     True     None     None
p2_amplitude     1.809     -inf      inf  0.09897     True     None     None
p2_center        2.048     -inf      inf   0.0575     True     None     None
p2_fwhm          2.177     -inf      inf   0.1416    False 2.3548200*p2_sigma     None
p2_height       0.7806     -inf      inf  0.04182    False 0.3989423*p2_amplitude/max(1.e-15, p2_sigma)     None
p2_sigma        0.9243        0      inf  0.06012     True     None     None

These methods a re convenient but extracting the data from the lmfit object requires some work and the knowledge of lmfit object structure.

pybroom comes to help, extracting data from fit results and returning pandas DataFrame in tidy format that can be much more easily manipulated, filtered and plotted.


Glancing at the fit results (dropping some verbose columns):

In [13]:
dg = br.glance(result)
dg.drop('model', 1).drop('message', 1)
method num_params num_data_points chisqr redchi AIC BIC num_func_eval success
0 leastsq 6 101 0.884993 0.009316 -466.466867 -450.776144 75 True

The glance function returns a DataFrame with one row per fit-result object.

Application Idea

If you fit N models to the same dataset you can compare statistics such as reduced-\(\chi^2\)

Or, fitting several with several methods (and datasets) you can study the convergence properties using reduced-\(\chi^2\), number of function evaluation and success rate.


Tidy fit results for all the parameters:

In [14]:
dt = br.tidy(result)
name value min max vary expr stderr init_value
0 p1_amplitude 0.991937 -inf inf True None 0.073906 1.0
1 p1_center -0.937321 -inf inf True None 0.042640 0.0
2 p1_fwhm 1.186919 -inf inf False 2.3548200*p1_sigma 0.101961 NaN
3 p1_height 0.785110 -inf inf False 0.3989423*p1_amplitude/max(1.e-15, p1_sigma) 0.055990 NaN
4 p1_sigma 0.504038 0.000000 inf True None 0.043299 0.5
5 p2_amplitude 1.808588 -inf inf True None 0.098970 2.0
6 p2_center 2.047602 -inf inf True None 0.057498 3.0
7 p2_fwhm 2.176607 -inf inf False 2.3548200*p2_sigma 0.141575 NaN
8 p2_height 0.780598 -inf inf False 0.3989423*p2_amplitude/max(1.e-15, p2_sigma) 0.041815 NaN
9 p2_sigma 0.924320 0.000000 inf True None 0.060121 1.0

The tidy function returns one row for each parameter.

In [15]:
dt.loc[ == 'p1_center']
name value min max vary expr stderr init_value
1 p1_center -0.937321 -inf inf True None 0.04264 0.0


Tidy dataframe with data function of the independent variable (‘x’). Columns include the data being fitted, best fit, best fit components, residuals, etc.

In [16]:
da = br.augment(result)
x data best_fit residual Model(gaussian, prefix='p1_') Model(gaussian, prefix='p2_')
0 -10.0 0.022939 1.005185e-37 -0.022939 4.947068e-71 1.005185e-37
1 -9.8 -0.036681 1.647759e-36 0.036681 5.735959e-68 1.647759e-36
2 -9.6 0.071802 2.577558e-35 -0.071802 5.681800e-65 2.577558e-35
3 -9.4 0.165100 3.847602e-34 -0.165100 4.808258e-62 3.847602e-34
4 -9.2 -0.021899 5.480738e-33 0.021899 3.476253e-59 5.480738e-33

The `augment <>`__ function returns one row for each data point.

In [17]:
d = br.augment(result)
In [18]:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1, figsize=(7, 8))
ax[1].plot('x', 'data', data=d, marker='o', ls='None')
ax[1].plot('x', "Model(gaussian, prefix='p1_')", data=d, lw=2, ls='--')
ax[1].plot('x', "Model(gaussian, prefix='p2_')", data=d, lw=2, ls='--')
ax[1].plot('x', 'best_fit', data=d, lw=2)
ax[0].plot('x', 'residual', data=d);

Application Idea

Fitting N datasets with the same model (or N models with the same dataset) you can automatically build a panel plot with seaborn using the dataset (or the model) as categorical variable. This example is illustrated in pybroom-example-multi-datasets.